domingo, 14 de outubro de 2007

STS Return

The blog is back with everything! Sorry, no updates for some long time, I know... Blame my computer, it's broke. Well, I'm using another computer for now and I'll buy a new one soon.

Well, since I haven't been updating my blog for a long time, I'll give to all of you something...nice!

Well, my first gift to you people is a Dictionary!

The second gift is one of the greatest Internet Explorers... Well, it is not the Internet Explorer, it is the Firefox, from Mozilla! I think most people use it, but I installed it on this computer a few days ago.

The third and last gift is a gift for Kids and Adults! It's a game website but there's something different on it! You create an account... And you can play each game once in a day! When you get certain amount of points (Bubz), you can trade them for something like a Pen, video game (A LOT OF BUBZ TO GET A PS3...), Or even money checks! Check it out!

Hope you people visit my blog frequently because there are no pauses! Just once and never more! (I hope...)

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