domingo, 28 de outubro de 2007


New storage...

Have fun.

Myspace, Yourspace!

Myspace is a community that you can create your own space, your own little web page. Just like Orkut! But in Myspace... It's more personal, to show yourself! Orkut is simple, Myspace is variate! Well, you could try... Millions and Millions people have a Myspace account... How about having an account? Just click on the website and register!

Have fun.


Probably lots and lots of people plays MMORPG. Do you know what that is? Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game. Well, if you wanna try it, try it!
Fun small MMORPG. I think there's a lot of potential, but there's no powerful graphics.
Famous Tibia... Not my favorite, no sound... But for light computers, it's a nice game... Always welcome to lonely people!
Dofus is nice and... normal! Anyway, contains better graphics than EO. Same fun, but EO is better! Don't know why, maybe because it was the first MMORPG I played.
Runescape is a 3d old fashion MMORPG. It's kinda weird but playable. Create an account and have fun!

Well, that's all I got to say... Have fun.

terça-feira, 23 de outubro de 2007

Uploaders and Downloaders, Attention!

You need some place to share your videos? Youtube is no good for you? Well, I have a great news for the almighties uploaders! Some websites for sharing! Tutorials, music, videos, programs, anything you want!

Drag Drop Yup.

*Have been recently merged with YaStorage.

The leading online storage and file delivery service.

File Factory:
Free File Hosting (One of the bests...)

Well, it's good for now... I got some more in my Favorites, so, if you people need more, just contact me by comments!

The title says it all... is a Search Center, just like Google.

Access it and check it out.

Back again, powerful, with more surprises!

Well, I gave a 2nd break... Let me explain everything...
I was having some technical problems with Mozilla Firefox. I didn't knew about it but... I kept using it. Well, then I tried to make a post with Internet Explorer. It worked really well, as you people can see! The blog is back with news! I'll make up to you people!

And... I can't leave you guys without some website right?
Well, actually, I'll post 2 websites here...

The first one is a download link. It's for the Nickelback music Photograph! It's nice to listen in some calm place or to remember your childhood or something like that!

The second one is where I upload my files. The Easy-Share! Well, you can upload when you create a free account, or a premium account or NO account... But with no account, you can't win money! Well............. Yes, there's how to win money! Each 1000 downloads from the files you upload, you win $1,00! Yesh, good luck! Or... for 15000 downloads from the files you upload, you'll get a free Premium Account! Hah! That's cool right? Ok, it's time for me to put up the link:

domingo, 14 de outubro de 2007

STS Return

The blog is back with everything! Sorry, no updates for some long time, I know... Blame my computer, it's broke. Well, I'm using another computer for now and I'll buy a new one soon.

Well, since I haven't been updating my blog for a long time, I'll give to all of you something...nice!

Well, my first gift to you people is a Dictionary!

The second gift is one of the greatest Internet Explorers... Well, it is not the Internet Explorer, it is the Firefox, from Mozilla! I think most people use it, but I installed it on this computer a few days ago.

The third and last gift is a gift for Kids and Adults! It's a game website but there's something different on it! You create an account... And you can play each game once in a day! When you get certain amount of points (Bubz), you can trade them for something like a Pen, video game (A LOT OF BUBZ TO GET A PS3...), Or even money checks! Check it out!

Hope you people visit my blog frequently because there are no pauses! Just once and never more! (I hope...)